Voyager LA
Live your Dreams!

I started this business as an occidental entrepreneur, lol. I had been in entertainment all my life and working as an actress. I received the products as a gift when I was
pregnant with my son in 2002. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that this would become a business that would forever change the lives of our family and friends, After our stellar results,
simply did what I always do when I love something! I shared it with people I cared about. Since

everyone is always looking for solutions to support their health, energy, and fitness, this new technology that produced immediate results was an exciting system for all. People were dropping weight without the traditional diet and feeling full of energyl With systems that centered around "intermittent fasting. Isagenix was way ahead of the curve,
back in 2002. Now, our published medical studies prove that we are a science based company with products that are trusted and respected
The business shift happened after my son recovered from a life-threatening blood disease and we had spent years at Children's Hospital. Not only were we left with a substantial debt, but we also learned the importance of cleansing the body at the cellular level. I felt compelled to share my message of what we had been through to help support the health of other families. Aligning with Isagenix, mode "health and cleansing' my platform. My husband and kids all got on the road with me as we shared our message through meetings, events, telephone calls and with anyone that was interested. As we were able to pay off our debt, we realized that this largely misunderstood business model was the key to designing our lives, funding our dreams and having true time freedom. I soon became passionate about the financial opportunity and my platform grow to include an amazing way to help artists, families and young people also create additional income in their lives.
Has it been a smooth road?
Launching any new business has its many challenges, and for us it was particularly challenging while on food stomps offer our long hospital ordeal with our son. I was emotionally broken and constantly luggling time as a full-time mom of two young children and on entrepreneur with o new career. I did not know anything about network marketing and it seemed that a lot of people had negative opinions about the industry. I had to become very educated about this distribution model, read every book I could, and rely upon my extraordinary mentors I was fortunate to have.
An actor's life is riddled with so much rejection that it prepared me well for the rejection I faced in this new coreer. However, exploring my belief systems around money and success and taking charge of my own destiny were totally new to me. I discovered that many of the things that hold us back are between our ears,' so I held tightly onto my vision and borrowed the belief that others had in me to forge ahead. knew that by serving others, I would not only build a successful business, but I would also be deeply fulfilled. Through the years, I had mony more challenges, even as my business was thriving. I was hospitalized with exhaustion after many speaking tours on the road and learned that self-care must be a priority, I broke my kneecap and was in surgery and rehab for a year, which took my complete energy and focus to heal. was also the caretaker and advocated for my husband offer a concer diagnosis required chemo and rodiation for him to heal. Through it all! recognized the importance and necessity for passive residual income, so when we are faced with life's challenges, we have the resources and the time to take care of ourselves and those we love.
Please tell us about Isagenix International. ​ Isagenix is a trusted and respected organization that exists to inspire and empower individuals, families, and communities to live their best lives through a journey of nutrition, health, and overall wellness. We operate in 20 countries and provide life changing products to more than half a million customers across the globe for the last 17 years. I believe that we have redefined network marketing and are hovec reputation of a company that is doing it right.' With an equal playing field for all anyone con participate regardless of educational background, gender and oge. Individuals set up their goals, choose their nutritional system, and have the opportunity to build a business by sharing their success story. I was privileged to align with this company from its inception when there were just a few of us with a dream. As a founding executive, helped shape its development and contribute to over seven billion dollars in cumulative sales. Our nocompromise commitment to product formulations and sourcing of raw materials is very unique in the marketplace. We work with vendors that focus on ethical sourcing and Sustainability, and we have a goal of zero waste packaging by 2028. Isagenix is one of the few nutritional companies with published medical studies on the efficacy of their products. It is an honor to help others set up their health goals and achieve results that they can't get anywhere else. The intimate relationships that I enjoy are built on the foundations of trust, commitment and inspiration. When people decide to share this opportunity with others and create new streams of income, they become part of my business team and enjoy a new community of friends. As a Crusader for all people, it is my passion to awaken dreams and help everyone create a life filled with a deep sense of purpose, radiant health and abundant cash flow. I love that Isagenix is focused on making a difference in the world. I am so inspired by the work of our nonprofit organization, the Iso Foundation, "ISA" stands for Inspire (inspire generosity and positive change by paying it forward), Share give a helping hand, we can all do our share), and Advocate (advocate for change and raise awareness). The foundation aligns with our guiding principles and value of contribution. It focuses on healthy nutrition and support for underserved children, wellness education for all, and aid for those affected by natural disasters. We have a colebrated history of generosity and recently donated over 2.4 million dollars worth of Isagenix products, OCIOS 6 countries, to families in need during this time of hardship due to COVID 19. Is our city a good place to do what you do? ​ Los Angeles is a ploce where people want to look and feel their best, so naturally Isagenix is a great business opportunity. We cater to a population of over 12 million people who are in search of natural solutions to boost their immune system and create better health. Working in the entertainment industry, I have successfully shared these products with many Hollywood stars that use Isagenix as their secret weapon to get in shape quickly. This lucrative business opportunity has also been embraced by many Los Angeles artists, who can create supplemental income between gigs. Now, during our current pandemic we offer our community trusted supplements and good nutrition delivered to your home, as well as a turn key online business for all the newly unemployed residents